Thursday, August 16, 2007

Made it!

Well, I made it to Melbourne yesterday- but barely! Turns out in a little bit of confusion on the part of the travel agency I arrived at the Quantas ticket counter and my ticket had been canceled!!! After about an hour of panic and heartache the ticket was reissued and I boarded the flight to Melbourne. The 15 hour flight was no sweat. 5 movies, sleeping and eating.
Mark has found us a great spot to live! I spent yesterday afternoon grocery shopping and getting the "lay of the land". I also crashed for about 3 hours in the afternoon. We live around nice clothing and shoe shops, eateries and such. The architecture is a very interesting mix of very modern new office and apartment buildings and very old, historic looking one level homes and retail shops. I liken it to Main Street in Santa Monica. Today I am going to do some picture taking and more walking around.
So check the blog soon for more pics!
Mark is doing great and work seems to be picking up steam quickly....New footage coming in daily and he is already being asked for cuts! This weekend we are going to hit a few Farmer's Markets and St. Kilda. More soon.
Love, Alexis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good deal!