Monday, August 20, 2007

Friday in the city center

Today is Friday (last week) and I spent the day walking to downtown (with a some shopping in between :)). I took a few pictures along the Yarra River- a river that runs through town. There are barges and such, very touristy things to do. Also included is a pic of "Federation Square" a fairly new addition to the city. The architecture is very funky. I am not sure what it houses besides bars, restaurants and a great visitor's center, but I guess that is enough. The bars are packed starting at 5 for "after work drinks". The people here are very active- lots of runners and bikers. Also on the river is a huge train station (the red with yellow trim building). The city is a chaotic place- lots of shopping and eating and diverse ethnic outposts. Its kinda like SF or NYC in that respect. (I found Chinatown!) It is very fun to walk around as you never know what is around the next corner. Until I got used to the tram I walked from our home at the port to the CBD- city center. Its like 6 mi but I didn't know better! Good exercise anyway! Alexis

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